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Dexter Steer Prices Beef Cattle Prices



The Dexter originated in the South Western region of Ireland where they were originally kept past pocket-size landholders and known as the "poorman's cow". Like the Kerry, they are descended from the predominately black cattle of the early Celts.

The ofttimes heard theory that the Dexter are a comparatively new brood is a complete fallacy equally the brood is fully described and mentioned by its proper proper noun, in a written report on Irish gaelic cattle written in 1845, by Mr David Low.

From this publication it is noted that the brood owes its modern advent, name, and probably qualities to a Mr Dexter who was agent to a Lord Howarden who came to Ireland in 1750 and made his home in Co Tipperary. David Low stated that a Mr Dexter had produced his curious breed by pick from the best of the hardy mountain cattle of the area, and to have succeeded to a very high degree.

At the turn of the 20th century, Dexters became the show cattle of the English gentry. Equally the 20th century progressed, Dexter numbers declined. In the 1970s, they were designated as rare and endangered. More recently, their attractiveness to small landholders has seen a pregnant increase in their numbers globally. Equally a issue, the Dexter is the best example of a domestic cattle brood saved from extinction.


The Dexter breed is a small-scale breed of cattle. Information technology is a dual-purpose breed, with the average weight of a moo-cow existence some 300 - 350 Kg's and standing 92cm - 107cm at the shoulder. There are 2 recognized types, brusk legged and non-brusk, both of which have their equal merits.

The breed comes in three colours, predominately black, only too red and dun. Near are horned although a very few naturally polled animals are becoming available.

Dexter cows are extremely maternal and because of their dual purpose qualities will milk well. Calving bug are rare and newly born calves are up on their feet very quickly with calves weighing 25-35 pounds at birth.

Heifers mature young and can exist put to the bull at fifteen - 18 months of age. Dexters are noted for their longevity and can live up to 25 years and should breed regularly for 14 years or more.

The breed is early maturing. Beefiness of splendid quality and flavour, with good marbling, can be produced economically. Dexter steers can end on grass at 20 -24 months of age without supplementary feeding, with average carcase weights of between 145 - 220 Kg's. Because their skillful meat to bone ratio, a killing-out percentage of over 56% can be achieved.

Milk yields vary every bit to whether the cows are kept for dairy cows, sucklers or house cows. For example, the average daily milk yield for a house cow will be some 8 - ten litres (2450 - 3050 litres per 305 day lactation). A moo-cow kept as a suckler will raise its ain calf as well as a larger commercial calf and do them both well. Dexters kept as dairy cows will yield on boilerplate, x - 12 litres daily (3050 - 3660 litres per 305 day lactation), with some individuals yielding 14 litres or more (4080 litres per 305 day lactation).

The milk is of very good quality with loftier butterfat and protein levels; average BF % is well over 4% and protein three.51%.

Mature cows can be successfully crossed with well-nigh native beefiness breeds, and volition produce excellent fast growing progeny. Care must be taken if a continental bull is to be used. Ensure the bull has an piece of cake calving record, and that cows are 'fit' and not overweight at calving.

The breed'south ability to adapt to varying and farthermost climatic conditions and to unlike systems of direction is a typical feature.

Not only can a Dexter be the ideal family unit cow/pet, but, pound for pound, they are far more economical than their larger counterparts. More Dexters tin can be grazed on less acreage; they produce high percent dressed carcass of lean, tender, fine-grained beef with excellent flavour. as dairy cattle, their milk is hands digested and high in butterfat - yielding 1.5-2 gallons of 4% butterfat milk per 24-hour interval - with smaller-sized fat globules making the milk more digestible.


Dexters are:

  • Small-scale
  • Hardy - Dexters are good browsers and were sometimes used to rid pastures of pest plants. They were specialised to live on low-quality vegetation and to forage for their food.
  • Efficient
  • Versatile
  • Intelligent
  • Full of personality - Dexters are besides kept for pets too.
  • Multi-purpose breed
  • Great milk and beefiness
  • Easy calving - can as well enhance two calves at a time

Plus, they are smaller, gentler, and easier on your pastures and fences.


Dexters accept established themselves well in many parts of the earth. They have been exported to Commonwealth of australia, New Zealand, America, Britain, Cuba, Argentina, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Italy, Belgium, Kingdom of denmark and Germany. Several of these countries have their own breed societies, which only goes to show how well the breed has become established worldwide.

References (the above information was cited from the following sites)

world wide
world wide web.dex-info.internet
world wide

  • Breed Overview
  • Cattle Breeders
  • Societies / Associations
  • Sales / Auctions
  • Shows / Events

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